Wrongful Termination: 5 Signs Your Firing May Have Been Illegal

Wrongful Termination: 5 Signs Your Firing May Have Been Illegal

Losing your job can be a devastating experience, especially if you suspect that your termination was unlawful. At Potter Handy Law Firm, we understand the complexities of employment law and are here to help you navigate the challenging terrain of wrongful termination cases. In this article, we’ll explore the concept of wrongful termination, discuss the five key signs that your firing may have been illegal, and provide guidance on how to protect your rights.

What is Wrongful Termination?

Wrongful termination occurs when an employer fires an employee for illegal reasons or in violation of an employment contract. While many employees in the United States work under “at-will” employment agreements, there are important exceptions that protect workers from unfair dismissal.

Understanding At-Will Employment

In most states, employment is considered “at-will,” meaning that an employer may terminate an employee for any reason or no reason at all, as long as it’s not illegal. However, there are crucial exceptions to this rule that every worker should be aware of.

When an Employer Cannot Fire You

Despite at-will employment, there are circumstances under which an employer cannot legally terminate you. These include:

1. Discrimination
2. Retaliation
3. Breach of contract
4. Violation of public policy
5. Whistleblower protection

5 Signs of Wrongful Termination

Let’s dive deeper into the five key signs that your firing may have been illegal:

1. Signs of Discrimination in the Workplace

Discrimination is one of the most common forms of wrongful termination. Federal and state laws protect employees from being fired based on protected characteristics such as:

If you believe you were terminated due to any of these factors, you may have grounds for a wrongful termination claim.

2. Retaliation for Protected Activities

Employers are prohibited from firing employees in retaliation for engaging in protected activities. These may include:

  • Filing a complaint about workplace discrimination or harassment
  • Reporting unsafe working conditions
  • Participating in an investigation of your employer
  • Taking legally protected leave (e.g., FMLA)

If your termination followed shortly after you engaged in any of these activities, it could be a sign of unlawful retaliation.

3. Breach of Employment Contract

If you have a written or implied employment contract that specifies the terms of your employment, including reasons for termination, your employer must adhere to those terms. A termination that violates the contract’s provisions may be considered wrongful.

4. Violation of Public Policy

Employers cannot fire you for refusing to engage in illegal activities or for exercising your legal rights. For example, if you were terminated for refusing to falsify financial records or for taking time off to vote, this could be a violation of public policy.

5. Whistleblower Retaliation

Whistleblower laws protect employees who report their employer’s illegal activities to the appropriate authorities. If you were fired after reporting such activities, you may have a valid wrongful termination claim.

How to Find a Wrongful Termination Attorney

If you suspect that you’ve been wrongfully terminated, it’s crucial to consult with an experienced employment law attorney. Here are some qualities to look for:

  • Extensive knowledge in employment law and wrongful termination cases
  • A track record of successful outcomes for clients
  • Clear communication and a willingness to explain complex legal concepts
  • Compassion and understanding of your situation

At Potter Handy Law Firm, our team of skilled wrongful termination attorneys possesses all these qualities and more. We’re committed to fighting for your rights and helping you seek justice.

Benefits of Hiring a Wrongful Termination Attorney

Working with an experienced wrongful termination attorney offers numerous benefits:

  • Professional guidance through the legal process
  • Thorough evaluation of your case and its merits
  • Skilled negotiation with your former employer
  • Strong representation in court, if necessary
  • Maximized potential for a favorable outcome

If you believe you’ve been wrongfully terminated, don’t face this challenging situation alone. Contact Potter Handy Law Firm today for a confidential consultation. Our experienced team is ready to listen to your story, evaluate your case, and fight for your rights. Remember, time is of the essence in wrongful termination cases, so don’t delay in seeking legal assistance.

Let Potter Handy Law Firm be your advocate in the fight against unlawful termination. Together, we can work towards justice and fair treatment in the workplace.