Workplace Sexual Harassment Lawyer in Los Angeles

If you work in Los Angeles and have been a victim of sexual harassment at work, Potter Handy Law Firm has a team of workplace sexual harassment lawyers who are dedicated to helping harassment victims in LA file sexual harassment complaints and lawsuits.

Many employees experience sexual misconduct but choose to remain silent. At Potter Handy Law Firm, we strive to change this by offering swift and effective legal assistance with no fees until we win your case.

Stand up for your rights and get the compensation you deserve. Contact Potter Handy Law Firm at (415) 534-1911 to schedule a complimentary consultation and review of your case.

What Does a Los Angeles Workplace Sexual Harassment Lawyer Do?

At Potter Handy Law Firm, we provide legal assistance and representation to individuals who have been subjected to sexual harassment in a professional setting. Our legal team can assess your situation, gather evidence, and determine the best course of action to address the harassment you have experienced.

Roles of a Sexual Harassment Lawyer in Los Angeles

We guide our clients through the process of filing complaints with relevant agencies, such as the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), and may pursue litigation on behalf of our clients to seek justice and compensation for the harm caused.

Consultation and Case Evaluation

  • Initial Consultation: We offer free consultations to understand the specifics of the harassment incident and evaluate the legitimacy and strength of the case.
  • Legal Guidance: We provide legal guidance on the best course of action, whether it involves filing a formal complaint, negotiating a settlement, or pursuing litigation in workplace sexual harassment cases.

Understanding Legal Rights

  • Education: We inform victims about their legal rights under federal and state laws, such as Title VII of the Civil Rights Act, the California Fair Employment and Housing Act (FEHA), and other relevant statutes.
  • Guidance: Our employment lawyer explains the processes involved in filing complaints with entities like the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) or the California Department of Fair Employment and Housing (DFEH).

Filing Complaints and Lawsuits

  • Documentation: We assist in gathering evidence, documenting incidents of harassment, and maintaining records that support the victim’s claims.
  • Filing Claims: Sexual harassment victims can file claims against their harassers to seek justice and compensation. We help in drafting and filing complaints with appropriate bodies (EEOC, DFEH) and ensure all paperwork is submitted correctly and on time.
  • Lawsuits: If necessary, we will file lawsuits in state or federal court to seek justice and compensation on behalf of the victim.

Negotiation and Settlement

  • Negotiation: Many cases are resolved through negotiation. We negotiate with the employer or their legal representatives to reach a fair settlement.
  • Mediation: We may also represent the victim in mediation sessions, striving to achieve an agreeable resolution without proceeding to trial.

Litigation and Court Representation

  • Trial Preparation: If the case goes to court, we prepare a robust strategy, gather witnesses, and compile all necessary evidence.
  • Representation: We represent the victim in all court proceedings, advocating passionately to ensure that justice is served, and that the victim receives appropriate compensation.

Support and Representation

  • Emotional Support: Recognizing the emotional toll that harassment can take, our employment lawyers often play a supportive role, providing reassurance and understanding throughout the legal process.
  • Ongoing Communication: We maintain open lines of communication with our clients, ensuring they are kept informed about the progress of their case and any new developments.

When to Contact a Los Angeles Workplace Sexual Harassment Lawyer

You should consider contacting our Potter Handy Law Firm as soon as you experience any form of sexual harassment. It’s crucial to seek legal guidance promptly to understand your rights and options for addressing the situation effectively.

It’s important to contact us as soon as possible if you are experiencing any of the following:

  • Unwanted sexual advances or propositions from a coworker, supervisor, or manager
  • Sexually explicit jokes, comments, or gestures that create a hostile work environment
  • Retaliation or threats from management for reporting sexual harassment
  • Unfair treatment or denial of promotions or raises based on your gender

Whether you have encountered unwanted advances, inappropriate behavior, offensive comments, or a hostile work environment of a sexual nature, our employment lawyer can provide valuable assistance in navigating the complex legal processes involved in combating sexual harassment. By seeking help early on, you can protect your rights, gather necessary evidence, and take proactive steps towards holding accountable those responsible for the harassment while safeguarding your well-being and professional standing.

At Potter Handy Law Firm, we offer effective legal assistance with no fees until we win your case. Contact Potter Handy Law Firm at (415) 534-1911 to schedule a complimentary consultation and review of your case.

How to Report Sexual Harassment Claim against Your Employer?

Dealing with sexual harassment at work means knowing how to report it properly.

  • Document the Incident: Keep a detailed record of the incident, including dates, times, locations, and the names of any witnesses. If there are any physical evidence, such as emails or texts, keep copies.
  • Report to HR: If you feel comfortable, report the workplace harassment to your company’s HR department. They should have policies and procedures in place for handling such complaints.
  • File a Complaint with the EEOC: If your employer does not take appropriate action or if you feel uncomfortable reporting to them, you can contact Potter Handy Law Firm to have a lawyer assist with filing a complaint with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC). This must be done before the deadline of the harassment incident.
  • Seek Legal Aid: Schedule a free consultation with a lawyer. We can help guide you through the sexual harassment complaint process and ensure your rights are protected.
  • Be Prepared for Retaliation: Unfortunately, some employers may retaliate against employees who report harassment. Be prepared for this possibility and document any instances of retaliation.
  • Take Care of Yourself: Dealing with sexual harassment can be emotionally draining. Sexual harassment victims should prioritize their mental and physical well-being during and after such incidents. Make sure to prioritize self-care and seek support from friends, family, or a therapist if needed.

Remember, you have the right to a safe and harassment-free workplace. Reporting sexual harassment is an important step in ensuring that your rights are protected and that the harassment stops.

How a Sexual Harassment Lawyer Can Help

At Potter Handy Law Firm, we support you as you make a claim, speak for you in talks with your employer, or in court, and make sure your rights under California law and federal law are protected.

  • Provide legal advice: A lawyer can explain your rights under the law and help you understand if what you experienced meets the legal definition of sexual harassment.
  • Investigate your case: We can investigate the situation and gather evidence to support your claim, especially in a sexual harassment lawsuit. This can include witness statements, emails, text messages, or other documentation regarding sexual harassment that can help strengthen your case.
  • Negotiate with your employer: If you choose to file a claim against your employer, we can negotiate on your behalf to try and reach a settlement that compensates you for the harm you experienced.
  • Represent you in court: If your case goes to court, we can represent you during legal proceedings and advocate for your rights in front of a judge or jury, especially in cases involving sexual harassment law or allegations of exchange for sexual favors.
  • Protect your rights: A lawyer can ensure that your rights are protected throughout the legal process and work to hold the responsible parties accountable for their actions.

What Constitutes Sexual Harassment?

In simple terms, sexual harassment in the workplace is when someone at work says or does things that make another person feel uncomfortable or scared because of their gender. This could be teasing or touching that makes the person feel bad or worried, especially if it’s physical conduct of a sexual nature.

At Potter Handy Law Firm, we offer effective legal assistance with no fees until we win your case. Contact Potter Handy Law Firm at (415) 534-1911 to schedule a complimentary consultation and review of your case.

Types of Sexual Harassment

Sexual harassment falls into two main categories. The first is quid pro quo, where someone’s job is affected by not accepting sexual advances. This can include offers like better jobs or pay in return for sexual favors. The second type is a hostile work environment. This is when sexual harassment makes the work space threatening or offensive.

If you are facing a hostile work environment or quid pro quo sexual harassment in the workplace, a skilled employment lawyer from our law firm can explain your legal options.

Examples of Conduct Considered Sexual Harassment

  • Unwanted sexual advances or requests for sexual favors
  • Making sexually suggestive comments or jokes
  • Displaying sexually explicit material can be considered unwelcome sexual advances.
  • Physical harassment, such as touching, hugging, or kissing without consent
  • Making derogatory or offensive remarks about a person’s gender or sexual orientation
  • Repeatedly asking a coworker out on dates after they have declined
  • Using flirtatious behavior to create a hostile work environment
  • Sending inappropriate emails or messages with sexual content
  • Making unwelcome sexual gestures or gestures with sexual overtones
  • Making unwelcome sexual comments about a person’s appearance or body

It’s important to note that harassment may come in various forms, not just physical or verbal, and sexual harassment can occur between anyone in the workplace, regardless of their gender or position. Sexual harassment can also be committed by anyone, including supervisors, co-workers, or even clients or customers.

Understanding Unwanted Sexual Advances

Unwanted sexual advances refer to inappropriate behaviors of a sexual nature directed towards someone without their consent. This can include persistent flirting, unwanted touching, sexual comments or gestures, or other forms of sexual behavior that make the recipient feel uncomfortable, intimidated, or violated. It’s a violation of personal boundaries and can create a hostile or unsafe environment for the person experiencing these advances, particularly when the conduct of a sexual nature is involved.

If sexual harassment results in physical harm or detriment to your well-being, you may be able to pursue criminal charges for sexual misconduct. This type of misconduct includes acts of rape, sexual assault, stalking, online stalking, and revenge pornography.

How to File a Sexual Harassment Claim?

To file a sexual harassment claim, you can start by contacting Potter Handy Law Firm to schedule a free consultation. During the consultation, you will discuss the details of the sexual harassment you’ve experienced in the workplace or other settings. The legal team at Potter Handy Law Firm will guide you through the process of filing a formal complaint. They will help you gather necessary evidence, navigate legal procedures, and advocate on your behalf to seek justice and resolution for the harassment you have endured.

At Potter Handy Law Firm, we offer effective legal assistance with no fees until we win your case. Contact Potter Handy Law Firm at (415) 534-1911 to schedule a complimentary consultation and review of your case.

Possible Outcomes of a Harassment Case

The outcomes can vary based on the severity and evidence presented. If the case is proven, consequences for the harasser may include warnings, suspension, or even termination from their job. The victim could receive compensation for any damages suffered due to the harassment.

Additionally, measures to prevent future incidents, such as training programs or policy changes in the workplace, might be implemented. It’s important to seek legal guidance to navigate the complexities of the case effectively and ensure that justice is served, especially in cases regarding sexual harassment. Each case is unique, and the outcomes depend on various factors, including the nature of the harassment and the actions taken by the employer to address it.

Why Choose a Los Angeles Sexual Harassment Lawyer?

By having a knowledgeable and experienced advocate on your side, you increase the likelihood of achieving a fair resolution to your case and holding those responsible for the harassment accountable. Potter Handy Law Firm can empower you to seek justice, receive compensation for damages, and create a safer work environment for yourself and others.

Victims of Workplace Sexual Harassment

If you’ve experienced sexual harassment in the workplace, choosing Potter Handy Law Firm can provide essential legal support for your case, specifically in workplace sexual harassment cases. At Potter Handy Law Firm, our employment lawyers have an extensive understanding of the laws and regulations surrounding sexual harassment, ensuring that your rights are protected and advocating for your best interests. We can help you navigate the legal process, gather evidence, and represent you effectively in negotiations or court proceedings.

At Potter Handy Law Firm, we offer effective legal assistance with no fees until we win your case. Contact Potter Handy Law Firm at (415) 534-1911 to schedule a complimentary consultation and review of your case.