California Data Breach Lawsuit

Consumer Protection Attorneys in California

While identity thieves are becoming more sophisticated at breaking through the data protection of businesses, it is the company’s responsibility to provide the highest level of security for their consumers. This is especially true when medical information is involved. Medical information is given special protection under California law.

(415) 534-1911 Call now to review your case with our Data Breach intake specialist. During this call, our intake specialist will review your claim. 

*HIPAA and CMIA Violations – You may be entitled to damages or other remedies. If you received notice that your information was stolen due to a data breach incident, contact Potter Handy, LLP to join our class action lawsuit. No out-of-pocket expenses from you.

Cencora Data Breach Lawsuit

Kaiser Permanente Data Breach Lawsuit

Omni Family Health Data Breach Lawsuit

Sav-Rx (A&A Services) Prescription Services Data Breach Lawsuit

Ticketmaster Data Breach Lawsuit

Contact Our California Data Breach Lawyers

Have you received notice that your information was stolen due to a data breach incident? If so, you may be entitled to damages or other remedies.

Every day, insurance companies and health care providers lose protected medical information through careless acts, such as emailing third parties’ medical information or sending your personal information to third parties without any encryption or protection.

Our attorneys at Potter Handy, LLP have been instrumental in protecting privacy rights.

(415) 534-1911 Call now to review your case with our Data Breach intake specialist. During this call, our intake specialist will review your claim.