Uber Sexual Assault Lawyer in San Diego

San Diego Uber Sexual Assault Claim

If you or a loved one has experienced sexual assault by an Uber driver in San Diego, it is imperative to start the journey towards healing by confiding in a skilled attorney experienced in handling these types of cases. Seeking legal counsel and assistance is essential in facing and overcoming this difficult and distressing situation.

Passengers should not be subjected to the following while using rideshare services:

  • Being prevented from exiting the vehicle when feeling unsafe
  • Sexual harassment and unwelcome advancements
  • Following or stalking passengers after they have left the vehicle
  • Inappropriate touching, kissing, or sexual assault

Being under the influence of alcohol or drugs does not give anyone the right to commit sexual assault.

In California, sexual assault is a criminal offense, regardless of alcohol consumption. It is concerning that a considerable number of sexual assaults in rideshare services involve passengers who are intoxicated. Many survivors may be unsure about their ability to seek justice, particularly if they have memory gaps due to being drunk. It is essential for survivors to understand that they have legal rights and avenues to pursue accountability and assistance in these instances.

Call (415) 534-1911 or email us to schedule a free, confidential consultation to discuss your claim.

Who Is Liable?

Our team of skilled attorneys will investigate the accountability of all parties involved with precision and ensure that they are held responsible for their degree of negligence. Both the driver and Uber may face liability for the sexual assault, providing survivors with the opportunity to seek legal recourse against Uber directly for the suffering they have endured.

Even though rideshare companies do carry out background checks on their drivers, they could potentially encounter legal repercussions if their extensive vetting procedures do not uncover a driver with a history of sexual assault or other criminal behavior. Moreover, companies may be liable for any instances of sexual assault involving a driver who had prior complaints of such misconduct while employed by the company, particularly if the company failed to appropriately address the issue.

Uber Sexual Assault Lawyer in San Diego

Individuals who have experienced sexual assault can take action against ridesharing companies and pursue legal action against Uber for their negligence in preventing such incidents. The team of skilled attorneys at Potter Handy Law Firm is experienced in handling sexual assault cases. If you have been a victim of sexual assault by an Uber driver, our legal team can evaluate your case to explore avenues for seeking compensation for the physical and emotional effects of the attack.

Call (415) 534-1911 or email us to schedule a free, confidential consultation to discuss your claim.